DaPi's Soap-Box

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Location: Geneva, Switzerland

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Doing what you Love

This has to be the most important essay I've read for a long time (thanks to SlashDot for the link):
How to Do What You Love

Monday, January 23, 2006

The Public Good

From this BBC news story, I quote:
. . . ruled . . . that the city of New London in Connecticut could seize homes to make way for a hotel, convention centre, office space and flats.
The ruling gave government the right to seize homes for "public benefit", where previously they could only be taken for "public use".

I'm not sure if this is:
(a) based on the capitalist ideal of making more money for the rich, thereby increasing values on the stock market, to the obvious common good.
(b) stolen from the Soviet model.

Perhaps someone can enlighten me.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Good news day

If I may be excused blowing my own trumpet - I received my Zertifikat Deutsch today, with a score of 87%. I'm not sure I could have done that at the age of 15.

Secondly, of more general interest, I received the bill for my car tax - 10% LESS than last year. The pamphlet with it says that the tax is lower on 2/3 of the vehicles taxed. Now, I'm sure that they aren't counting on recovering less in total; so the BIG guys must be being clobbered.

It seems that the intention is to ultimately base the tax on CO2 emission per kilometre, but until that data is universally available, the tax is based on weight and power, with a steep increase in the rate at 2 tonnes and 100 KW.

I'd never considered myself very eco-friendly in this respect. All my cars since the 1960's seem to have done 30 miles to the gallon and I've used advances in technology to award myself luxury and performance. I'm a little surprised to find myself among the good guys – at least according to the Service des Automobiles.

Friday, January 13, 2006

On New Year's Resolutions

God, grant me the patience to endure the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Very Magritte

Dark vines, blue sky, fresh snow on the Jura.
Taken 100m from my front door.

Monday, January 09, 2006


I'm annoyed by spam, so is it now illegal to spam me?
Create an e-annoyance, go to jail